Zhengzhou CamelWay Machinery is a well-known enterprise specializing in the production of construction machinery. One of the products they offer is the HZS60 commercial concrete mixing plant, which is designed for high-quality concrete production in various construction projects.

The HZS60 commercial concrete mixing plant is equipped with various systems that work together to produce high-quality concrete. These systems include supply proportioning, cement supply, admixture supply, water supply, additive supply, mixing, and control systems.
Supply Proportioning System
This system generally uses the PLD2400 type concrete batching machine, aggregate weighing system, aggregate conveying system, hoisting system of the aggregate, and aggregate excessive storage system. This system allows for accurate proportioning of aggregates, ensuring the quality of the concrete produced.
Cement Supply System
The cement supply system consists of two sets of 100 tons of cement silo, screw conveyor, cement weighing hopper, and cement weighing device. The system ensures that the right amount of cement is used in the production of each batch of concrete.
Admixture Supply System
The admixture supply system consists of a screw conveyor, admixtures weighing hopper, and admixtures weighing device. This system allows for the addition of admixtures to the concrete mix, which enhances the performance of the concrete.
Water Supply System
The water supply system consists of a weighing box, water supply pump, pressurized water pump, water weighing device, and water jet. This system ensures that the right amount of water is used in the production of each batch of concrete.
Additive Supply System
The additive supply system consists of a weighing box, supply pump, pressure pump, and additive weighing device. This system allows for the addition of additives to the concrete mix, which can enhance the properties of the concrete.
Mixing System
The mixing system consists of a motor, reducer, and JS1000 dual-axial mixing machine. This system mixes the various components of the concrete mix, ensuring that they are homogeneously blended.
Control System
The control system consists of an air conditioning room, industrial computer, control cabinet, display instrument, switchboard, and work station. This system allows for the control, monitoring, and adjustment of the various systems that make up the concrete mixing plant.
Zhengzhou CamelWay Machinery's HZS60 commercial concrete mixing plant is a reliable and efficient concrete production solution for various construction projects. Whether you're building a bridge, a highway, or a high-rise building, this concrete mixing plant is up to the task. For more information about the HZS60 commercial concrete mixing plant or to purchase one, you can contact Zhengzhou CamelWay Machinery.